Monday, June 6, 2011

Quentin Tarantino’s adorable letter to a 13-year-old From Dusk Till Dawn fan

Dear Sarah

Thank you for your very lovley letter. It's the best letter I've gotten all year long. I'm glad you loved "Dusk", it was one of my favrote times making a movie. And I feel my best performance so far. It's cool to hear a girl into horror flicks.

Rock on Sarah!!

Do you know about Itallion horror film maker Mario Bava? He did Blood and Black Lace, Black Sunday and Black Sabbith. He's one of my favrotes. I read your letter to Mira, she loved it too. Write me anytime. I can't wait for you to get your hands on a camera too.

With all my love


P.S. Sarah, since you liked Dusk so much, coming out soon is a movie we did about the making of "Dusk" called "Full Tilt Boogie". It shows how much fun we had. I hope you like it.
