Friday, March 11, 2011

alien leftovers, surely

So this fucking animalfuck creeps the fucking fuck out of me.

They say it's a "Horseshoe Crab", I say it's the fucking Facehugger out of the Alien movies, that mated with something from the paleozoic era. And if its freaky exoskeleton and creepy facehugger legs doesn't prove it to be aliens trying to take over the earth for you, I bet this will;

o The female can lay between 60,000–120,000 eggs in batches of a few thousand at a time.

o The one in the pic above is the Prehistoric Giant Horseshoe Crab, but they pretty much look the fucking same still. Way to deny evolution.

o They have five pairs of legs for walking, swimming and moving food into the mouth.

o Unlike humans, horseshoe crabs do not have hemoglobin in their blood, but instead use hemocyanin to carry oxygen. Because of the copper present in hemocyanin, their blood is blue. source