The large spiraled building is topped with an incredible forest - beech, maple and lime trees grow on the undulating, twisting roof. Completed in 2000 -- the same year Hundertwasser died -- the Waldspirale has 105 apartments and more than 1000 windows. Not one of these windows are shaped the same in this "out of line" building, and many have "tree tenants" growing right through them.
At the highest point the building has 12 floors. You can climb to the wooded spiral roof, which includes a cafe and a bar. Hundertwasser's aversion to the "devil's tools" is carried to the interior as well; the corners between the walls and ceiling are rounded off in every apartment. The Waldspirale is a testament to Hundertwasser's organic aspirations and deep love of nature. As he once said, "If man walks in nature's midst, then he is nature's guest and must learn to behave as a well-brought-up guest."